Toyga re design Landing pages.

Design problems are not always aesthetic.

I decided to tackle the problem by using the design-thinking process, which applies not only to design, but also to any problem that needs solving.


Diamond 1, First part: Discovery



In the financial market, events or facts influence the market’s volatility: A snowstorm in NY would bring down Wall Street since operations would be shut down, but it can boost Tokyo. A devaluation of the Ruble by the Russian government would bring down Russian gas companies, while a country like the UK leaving the European Union can boost the bonds of that country.

A company landing page can attract users/customers and future investors based on the strengths of the company and these financial/economic events.


According to the brief by the Marketing VP, LPs are efficient when it comes to traffic, but generating each of them would take between one and two weeks until they came online in all 7 languages commonly used by the company in its operations.”


The challenge was to create a design and construction process of a LP in 3 days for 7 languages.


Product analysis

The first thing I researched was the process and metrics of the LPs. I wanted to know whether the two conclusions contained in the brief were valid: 

1) Were the creative and construction process an issue?

2) Were the LP efficient?

The result was clear, all of these were problems. Even the Brief. LPs were not efficient, there were works that would never come online, there were designers working hours as developers and, more importantly, there were not focused on the user.

These are some conclusions that arose out of analyzing the process.

The source of the LP brief was marketing, and it was a constant back-and-forth between copywriters and designers.
The LP was made by the designers in Visual Composer, a WordPress tool with drag-and-drop functionality but that would normally require the assistance of a developer to fix the CSS.
Once the LP in English was finished and approved, it would be translated using XXX in WordPress, where the designers would then change and correct the text in that languag
The content was a big issue since it never followed the same pattern. It was created based on the traffic brief, and would not focus on the customer
The designers were not being optimally used, since they would spend hours engaging in development work that they disliked, which would stunt their performance.
Pages in foreign languages would end up being untidy, since a lot of text needed to be adapted from English to foreign languages with different language constructs such as those used in German and Arabic
The LPs that were linked to specific, momentary events (currency devaluation, volatility, IPOs, etc.) were much less efficient than those that were generic or not time-sensitive (company technology, safety, commodities, Forex, etc.).
LPs in foreign languages were ineffective. Many LPs in English would even perform better in non-English speaking countries than those in the local language, as was the case for Germany, Persian Gulf countries, etc.
Traffic agents would often request the works to be done in all languages but would only use those in English.
Leads generated by English LPs were of higher quality than those generated by LPs in local languages


We performed 3 Zoom interviews with company clients who got to it through the Landing Page. We focused on finding out what information they valued when trusting new investments and new companies

In this way, we found two different aspects. On one hand, the company’s legal standing and reliability, and on the other, the veracity of the information provided by it. 

It is highly important for the clients that European financial regulations to certify the company. As a result, clients feel that they have someone to turn to for claims and a government body that supports them. Furthermore, customer service and a personalized care were a priority when it came to feeling safe.

A truthful and accurate information is essential for investments. In Finance, there is a myth that says that information is money. Information is the key to seizing good moments.

Diamante 1, Second part : Define


It si now time to define the issues.

 What are the problems, hassles, obstacles and frustrations of our Personas in relation to this matter?

Jointly with the team, I sought as many problems as possible using the 99 problems in 10 minutes method, and I sorted the relevant results as follows in order to vote on which one we believe is the most important problem that will lead us to a solution.

  • Missed opportunities
  • Missing out on good investments
  • An opportunity being a lie
  • An offer not being clear


  • Mistrust in the company
  • Doing it through credit card
  • Not getting my money back if I have earnings
  • Not believing what it says
  • Getting robbed
  • Giving my email
  • Being embezzled
  • That it is unlawfu


  • Not understanding what is happening
  • Being unable to use the tools
  • Being unable to verify at all times
  • Not knowing what to do


  • Money, it is expensive
  • Investing little money due to mistrust
  • Losing money
  • Lack of money

Framing the problem

Once the problem we are going to work on has been chosen, we can frame and describe our problem based on two methodologies

4W Approach

  • Investors
  • Losing good investments
When / Where
  • At this moment
  • Seize opportunities to earn money

Our problem can be framed as: Investors miss the best opportunities to earn money

HMW / how might we

The HMW exercise posits a myriad of questions regarding the possible solutions we could implement as part of a brainstorming session.

HMW attract new investors?

HMW get them to discover opportunities linked to financial successes?

HMW get our investors to trust us?

HMW achieve a fast but precise and assertive LP?

Diamond 2, First part: Idealization


Now that the problem’s hypothesis has been proposed, and using the how as a basis, we start with the idealization stage of the double diamond

We engage in a brainstorming session as per a “100 ideas in 10 minutes” format with designers, copywriters and developers.

Over 30 viable ideas emerged, which I grouped into 4 subjects

  • Shorter LPs
  • LP with assertive information
  • LP company information and opportunity information
  • LP with video explaining the opportunity
  • Creativity Ideas
  • LP with short texts
  • Standardize messages


  • Prove to them we are trustworthy
  • Security template
  • Make video on security with influencers


  • Explain Security
  • Explain cysec
  • Legality template


  • Emails
  • Messenger pigeons
  • LP on Facebook
  • LP with highest-performing assets for the week
  • LP with graphs
  • LP with live data (more technology)
  • Purchase assets from the LP
  • Build faster
  • Create templates on Elementor


I grouped the selected ideas in a matrix to assign them an importance and priority and thereby formulate an idea to t


Do Now

  1. LP with company information and opportunity information
  2. Explain security
  3. Explain cysec
  4. Build faster
  5. Security template
  6. Legality template
  7. Use Elementor
  8. Create templates in Elementor

`Make a project

  1. LP with live data (more technology)
  2. Make video on security with influencers
  3. Make video on security with influencers

Make a task

  1. Link to cysec
  2. Emails​
  3. LP on Facebook​

Forget for now

  1. Purchase assets from the LP​
  2. LP with short texts
  3. LP with video explaining the opportunity



Finally, we arrive at an Idea to be implemented:

A LP with sections related to the company, regulations and security in the form of a template and a heading that changes depending on the product.

This Idea affords the following three benefits

-Reducing the work of the copywriter, designer and translation to just the LP’s heading

-Save time to be used on the header, which is the most hard-hitting section.

-Reduce translation costs. We go from working on 1500 words to no more than 100

Diamond 2, Second part: Implementation

Medium Fidelity

We start working on a medium-fidelity wireframe and on ordering the sections 

In the first section we have the marketing area and the registration form, which contains the certification of the regulation and link to legal notices as per the regulation

Explanation regarding how to open an account in just 3 steps

Characteristics of the regulation and of different tools that make online trading easier

Advantages of investing

The footer contains all the company’s information including its address, email and phone.

Link to legal terms and risk notices


We have changed the tool to build the LPs in WordPress. We started using Elementor, which has a much lower learning curve and a myriad of plugins and add-ons for easy and quick creation. 

We found Elementor to be much more reliable and it reduced developer consults

The implementation has been converted to a loop, since we now work on the ideas of

1 Building

2. Testing

3. Repeating

in search of the king of LP templates

In this way, we have been changing texts, section locations, form types, etc. And Testing


Now we can build a LP in English in under a day. The first one we completed in that timeframe was the Airbnb IPO. And the translation were operational within 3 days.

Conversion numbers improved and became tidier. We now talk to each user in their language.

For copywriters and designers, making a LP is no longer a headache. And traffic representatives are happy to have the works faster.

And, most of all, we have a user-oriented product!

Make whit love for Cocido Madrileno